It’s great to see my past Maker’s Leather pieces.
These pics have been sent in by Finn who less than 2 months ago attended my 3 Day Leather Practical Skills Course and has really taken to working with Leather.

These lovely photos show his most recent 3 pieces;
A red leather pouch with gussets that would fit a pack of cards or cigarettes etc.
A green leather iPad case
And the 3rd piece is a holster/pouch for a rifle bolt.

Whatever your hobby/interests are there’s sure to be a way of making something for it out of Leather, and because leather in most cases is a luxuriously premium material, it’ll always make your designed product look high end.
The photography here is also very good. Lighting, grouping items, backgrounds, colours, creating visual interest goes a long way to produce a great image.
Its not just a case of taking a quick pic especially if you’re thinking about starting to sell your Leather Goods online.
Selling your products online is covered in my 2 & 3 Day Practical Skills Courses.
Great work Finn.